I want AI/ML! Do you need it though...
July 22, 2023
Organisation’s are always quick to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to AI/ML. As a result many will end up falling into common pitfalls when actually trying to get things up and running.
Interested in providing value to people whenever possible
July 22, 2023
Organisation’s are always quick to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to AI/ML. As a result many will end up falling into common pitfalls when actually trying to get things up and running.
June 23, 2023
June 17, 2023
May 28, 2023
Disclaimer: There has been a large amount of work performed by people when it comes to understanding of LLMs and the like. As a result this post isn’t made with the intentions to re-work the efforts of many but rather guide it’s exploration, focusing on some of the key, personally biased, interesting aspects. Also, at the end of the day ChatGPT is a proprietary model, meaning unless you work at OpenAI you don’t acutally know the specifics beyond the information that has been publically released or empirically evaluated. Always ensure you read multiple sources when trying to verify your own thoughts.
May 20, 2023
When it comes to feature engineering one technique that you definetly don’t want to miss out on is target encoding! So what actually is it…..
May 19, 2023